To make sure you have the best shopping experience possible, we will redirect you to the correct site based on the country you choose as your chosen delivery destination. This way, you can shop safely in the knowledge that the products you choose are available for delivery to your destination.
Questions in this section
- Are you delivering to the EU this Christmas?
- Why are Account card holders unable to place orders to the EU on their account ?
- Why are products more expensive on the EU website?
- Can I purchase Gift Cards for EU Delivery?
- Do I have to pay duties/customs fees for an order sent to the EU?
- Is my order going through Customs for delivery in an EU country?
- Why am I not able to shop in Euros for Switzerland? / Why am I not able to shop in Euros for some countries?
- How can I process returns for my EU order?
- Where is my EU order?
- Why am I not able to select a delivery window for standard delivery for my EU order?