We are happy to say that as of 2021, all of our Tea Bags (100 different kinds, in fact) are plastic-free and completely compostable, while the tea itself acts as a great nitrogen-rich soil fertiliser after you have finished your cup.
Our Classic teabags are a blend of long fibre cellulose (e.g. abaca), wood pulp, cellulosic binder. They are plastic-free and are industrially compostable and under-going testing to see if they are also home-compostable.
Our large leaf silky pyramid tea bags are now petroleum based plastic-free and made from a non-petroleum plant-based plastic ‘Soilon’ a by-product of corn starch and are industrially-compostable.
Find out more about our Future Matters programme and the progress we are making to build Sustainability & Social Responsibility at Fortnum's here: https://www.fortnumandmason.com/future-matters