You can certainly return items to us, provided they are in their original condition/packaging and within 30 days of receipt. If you wish to return your purchase, please kindly visit the Fortnum and Mason returns hub with the order number quoted on the delivery note and the email address used to place the order. If you are returning an unwanted gift, please select ‘Start a gift return’ and provide the order number and the post code of the shipping address (please note that in this instance Customer Service will contact you to assist regarding your return). You will be able to follow the instructions on the portal on how to create your return label and return the goods to us. Please note that the goods must be returned to us within 14 days of notifying us of your return request.
When the goods have been received and checked, a refund (or an e-gift card) will be issued, and a member of our team will be in touch to confirm.
Please note that we are unable to accept the return of the following:
- Perishable goods and other items likely to expire rapidly, this includes all flowers, fresh food, some alcohol and beverages, and hampers and gift boxes containing such items
- Food items that have been purchased at a discounted price due to short shelf life
- Jewellery for pierced ears
- Sealed items where the seal or cellophane has been broken
- Personalised or Bespoke items
- Items that cannot be returned for hygiene reasons such as razors and brushes
- Fine wines which we store in a temperature-controlled environment
- Products sold with an authentication or valuation certificate, where the certificate is not also returned
- Antique or vintage watches, jewellery, accessories or homeware