This depends on the delivery method you have chosen for each address in your order.
If you have chosen the same delivery date for all addresses in your order - on a Named Day or Next Day delivery - , all items in your order will be dispatched on the same day. Dispatch to some addresses may be fulfilled by different warehouses, however, all items in your order will still be dispatched and due to arrive on the same day.
If you have chosen Standard Delivery for all addresses in your order (no specific day, on or before a certain date), all your items should be dispatched on the same day. However, if some of your items are dispatched from different warehouses, they may be dispatched on different dates - but will still arrive within the quoted delivery time frame.
If you have chosen different delivery methods for the addresses in your order, these will be dispatched according to the date or time frame quoted to you when you placed your order.
If your items are dispatched from different locations, we will usually include all the tracking links in one email to keep things simple. If not, you may receive another email with the separate tracking links.